Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Some Thoughts

 I saw an article on Twitter today about Meghan Markle’s miscarriage. I, of course, read it because having had two miscarriages myself I always read when someone shares their story because I know the pain that it is and I know that it is a hard story to share when the world makes the subject so taboo and basically just wants you to shut up about it already. Anyhow in the article she says that...
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Monday, August 26, 2019

What are your life goals?

This question was posed to me recently. No it wasn't for a job interview or anything like that, in fact it was in reference to a D&D character that I had created for a game my brother is running. Seriously. And as I was coming up with my characters goals and motivations inevitably I started thinking about my own and I found myself just staring into space before admitting....I don't know. Well...
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Friday, August 9, 2019


Life has been super hard lately. My dog passed away. I got an unexpected flat that resulted in an unexpected expense of 2 new tires. Depression and general misery took over making daily tasks hard. My husband has been working 80 to 100 hours a week and we haven't seen much of each other. The A/C died during the hottest month ever and I had to haul the kids to my parents' place for 3 days (not...
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Thursday, July 18, 2019

I long for the old days

Recently a friend said that she missed the way that blogging used to be and that micro blogging was getting tiresome and people want to read more...or at least some of us do. And that got me thinking.... I DEFINITELY miss the old days. I miss Google Reader daily. I remember when I worked an office job and sat at a computer all day and I'd come in half an hour early to sit and catch up on all the...
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Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Abandoned Blog

What happens to a blog when you ignore it for months? What happens to a blogger when they go off grid? Way back when I started blogging it meant that someone had either fallen off the wagon (diet blogging was big back then) or it meant that they had just gotten bored or frustrated with not being as popular as other bloggers. So what happened to my blog? Life. Kids. Husband. I mean these things...
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Thursday, March 7, 2019

What's New with you? Stuff and Things

Joining the linkup today because I finally picked up my computer to do something with instead of just pushing it away in the perpetual mood that I've been in.  February didn't involve a whole lot because the weather kept us in pretty much the whole time. I don't mind that though. Everyone is all like "Winter needs to be over" and " I hate snow" and I'm just here like....but then it turns into...
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Thursday, January 24, 2019

It's all a mess.

I come back to blogging all the time. A new post! Here we are! Changes! New Things! I'm here for good this time! Yeah I do this all the time. And then nothing. Vanish. Poof. I fail. Because it's all a mess. My house is in shambles still from Christmas. I have things that still aren't out of boxes yet. The decor is all nicely put away...but there is still....STUFF....everywhere..... I started...
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