What happens to a blog when you ignore it for months?
What happens to a blogger when they go off grid?
Way back when I started blogging it meant that someone had either fallen off the wagon (diet blogging was big back then) or it meant that they had just gotten bored or frustrated with not being as popular as other bloggers.
So what happened to my blog?
Life. Kids. Husband. I mean these things happen to loads of bloggers and they end up with more content than ever.
So what happened to me? Well....nothing really. I've actually done more this year than ever and it's been busy and fun and crazy and I've had tons of things to blog about but I haven't because it hasn't felt right. I've wanted to share so much with everyone but things haven't felt....good or right or....well okay at all.
It sucks to come back after a long period of being away and not know what to say because everything is just an excuse and you don't want to just dive in with exciting new things because no one has heard from you in forever and you are like some weird estranged relative that suddenly shows up at the family holiday party uninvited with tales of your mad adventures but um....no one even asked you to come so why are you here?
Yep that's what it feels like.
But I want to come back and share all the things. My trip to Maui, my kids birthday's this week (the same week even though they are 5 years apart), and also....the struggle with postpartum that I didn't want to admit to or acknowledge. There are so many things I want to share....but I feel so guilty for not being around, not writing, not being a part of a community that I think about daily but contribute nothing to.....The guilt is a real and heavy thing.....but if it is okay........and it probably is because I'm talking to myself here....I'm gonna creep back in here and write a little bit. Just a little. No promises on how much or how consistent....I know I'm not great at sticking with it....so I'll just put this here for now and maybe just maybe....something will come from it.
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