So today I thought I would do a quick little post with suggestions for the upcoming holiday. I realize that not a lot of people are really into Valentine's and honestly I am not super big on it either. However we still do gifts and I thought that maybe a list might be helpful for those that are just fresh out of ideas!
So here are my gift ideas for her (aka, what I would want)
1. Manicure/Pedicure gift certificate. I would so be into this right now as I have like zero time to wait for my nails to dry. I never know when a nap is going to end so I never know if I will have enough time to finish my nails before the baby wakes up and the last thing I need is to have polish all around the house! So I would really love this one, plus it means at least an hour of just "me" time and that sounds awesome!
2. Massage Fit certificate. This one is along the same lines as the number one but again "me" time is pretty rare if your lady is a mom!
3. Dinner/Movie date night "IN". I like this idea simply because it is budget friendly but still a thoughtful one. If you make dinner without asking her a million times what she wants then you win in my book! Also Dinner and a movie, maybe something she has wanted to see and you have been avoiding? Or even something that you both just really love to watch, this makes for a really nice evening in, and if you let her stay in pajamas then you really rock!
4. Clean the house. Oh is that one just for me? Maybe....but it would be nice to have someone else worry about the state of the house for a bit....I feel like a crazy person doing the same chores every day only to have to do them again...the very next day....
5. Artisan Chocolate- Now this one can be for a guy or a girl but let me just tell you about these chocolates. They are the most divine creations, a combo of art and deliciousness. The flavors are so amazing and wonderful. Oh they are heaven! Here is where you can order them!
Gifts for Him!
1) Do not wear your crappy pajamas, I know what I said up there but come on ladies, where something a little sexy....or at the very least not covered in baby spit up.
2) Order in- unless your hubby is a good cook. Trust me he will thank you because after all you made the always do right?
3) Fancy Shaving stuff. My husband is really into this whole shaving trend that has picked back up, still I am not thrilled about the idea of a straight razor...but aftershave and stuff is really nice!
4) A day for him. Let's be honest, a lot of times when you go out you do stuff for the baby, or you run errands that HAVE to be done, but you don't really wander around somewhere that he likes to shop, right? Or maybe you do and I just have no patience, but either way, your guy might like a day where he knows he can go wherever he likes and you won't complain....or roll your eyes.....or at least you will try to keep it to a minimum!
5) Ask him. Seriously guys usually will tell you straight up what they want. At least every guy I know does except my husband. He keeps saying all he wants is a hug and it makes me want to punch him because I know he is full of it. Still your guy is not my guy and he will probably tell you something he really wants or he will suggest a little sexy time. If you have time for sexy time, DO IT. If you however have children that you know will interrupt, attempt to schedule some sexy time at a later date. Yes it might seem unromantic to schedule but hey, gotta do what you gotta do!
Hope these help in some way. I realize it got a little silly there but come on, let's just not take this holiday too seriously all right? Also if you are on your own without a valentine this year then go do all of these things for yourself! Who says you need someone to buy you things? You can buy you things! Buy all of the things! Do it!
Big hugs to you all!
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