I confess that while I didn't make any resolutions myself I have really enjoyed reading other people's. It's inspiring and I'm sitting here cheering you all on!
I confess that I've been spending a lot of time trying to decide what it is that I want this blog to be this year. I want to have a little bit of focus but I have no idea what to focus on. Anything in particular you all like here on the blog? I'm open to all suggestions.
I confess that while I'm not a planner girl I am a lover of bullet journals. I have my own in just a normal journal but I am hoping to take the plunge and get either a Leuchtturm 1917 or a Moleskine very soon....if I ever get out of the house again.
I confess that it took me about four hours to do these five confessions because I kept either getting sick or nodding off so I'm just gonna call it quits.
Happy Humpday Everyone.
your blog - anything! write about your life, your goings-on, random thoughts...errting. we love real posts :D