Welcome back from the Happy Holiday!
Well apparently for some people it was a stress induced madhouse which I can relate to as most of my holidays are that way. Holly’s description of an OCD mom wanting to make everything from scratch and make the holiday perfect as can be reminds me of every holiday prior to this last one. My mom always works so insanely hard to make everything wonderful and she cooks for an army and works so hard that by the time it is dinner time she is exhausted and ready for a nap and really tired of being around all of us!
This year however was a different story.
My mom decided that Thanksgiving was just going to be the six of us (my immediate family and my husband) and that we would just have lunch and then hang out.
Dinner turned out fabulous like always but there was no rush or hurry. My husband and I showed up and mom was happy as could be. The food was done and everyone was in a good mood. After chowing down we cleared the table and settled in for a game of Creationary.
My mom picked this up after seeing the commercial and I can tell you it was great fun and hilarious. Also I won because I am awesome at board games and am a great guesser. This game is definitely a must for family get-togethers; you will laugh until you cry.
The rest of Thanksgiving was spent by me snoozing away ( I have no control over this anymore, I sleep ALL. THE. TIME. ) My husband had to go into work at 11pm and didn’t get home until well after 6am. I did not go out shopping because the thought of crowds and people and the smells…well it’s all a little overwhelming for me at this point. So instead I watched movies and slept.
Friday was spent with Mourning (yes I spelled that correctly) Sickness. I mean the entire day was spent with me sick. Most likely because I overate the day before or maybe it was just the baby’s way or reminding me it was there. Either way, Friday was a complete no go.
Saturday was spent at my husband’s father’s place. My step mother in law had all her family there and it was a crowded space and I confess I went and hid in the basement where it was cool and quiet. Not trying to be anti-social but when I overheat I get sick right now. The gathering was nice but I couldn’t stay long, the sickness was setting in yet again.
Sunday my husband spent the morning with the guys out at breakfast while I stayed home and made space for the Christmas tree. Once he was home he drug out all the stuff and now my Christmas tree is up and lit and I feel amazingly happy. It almost brought me to tears which amused my husband. I cry over everything though so really it was no surprise.
All in all the holiday was really great and I enjoyed that it was a simple one this year since being pregnant takes a lot out of a girl! I am currently working on my “pregnancy so far” post and hopefully will have it up for tomorrow, also tomorrow I go in to the doctor for my first ultrasound!! I cannot wait to see the little life in there!
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