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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's Up Wednesday?

Morning all,

Been MIA this week since Kyra's sleeping schedule has been really off. I think it is teething combined with the normal 4 month old sleep regression that most babies go through. Either way it has made for some long nights and early mornings.

However she is out right now and has been for about an hour so I am just going to let her rest and keep quiet. Thankfully blogging is not something that requires more noise than just the click of the keys.

I am not sure what to write about today....I'm not even sure what I have been blogging about lately as I have no idea just what direction this blog is I a "mommy getting fit" blog? Am I just a "mommy updating about her baby" blog? I'm not really sure where I am at the moment...

I do however think that I would like to lean toward the "mommy getting fit" type of blog. I mean I want to get fit, I want to be healthy and as bad as it sounds, I want to be skinny. I can sit her and type all day long about how important it is to be healthy and to make your lifestyle change...I mean I know all these things...but in the end....I just wanna look good in my clothes and so not to be TMI but I want to look good without clothes too.

I know my diet is where I really need to start. I mean working out is not my favorite thing to do and I really do need to step it up but if I don't change the way that I eat then it is going to be for nothing.

The problem is what I eat and when I eat. I tend to eat only about two meals a day and they are usually full of junk that I don't need. I rarely eat breakfast which is a big no no. If I do then it is usually something quick and microwavable. Lunch rarely happens and dinner is usually way too late in the evening. Actually it is starting to happen more and more around 9pm or later and that is not when I should be eating.

It is really tough right now with Kyra's schedule ever changing...and with the guilt that I feel if I just sit her down and take thirty minutes for me...I have a lot of mommy guilt. Food however is the biggest issue. So I am going to try and make a meal plan and make all my meals. No fast food allowed! I am also going to watch my portion sizes and try to eat normal meals at normal times. Hopefully that will jump start this whole thing and get me going. I am not patient when it comes to weight loss.
This pretty much sums up my whole feelings on the diet situation. I am not patient and I want results. I want to lose major inches baby! 

I actually wrote a post to myself about what it is I imagine life will be like once I lose the weight. I might post it here but I am not sure yet....

Well that will have to be all for now. Kyra is up!

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