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Monday, October 14, 2013

Motivation Monday

Morning All,

So this past weekend was a lot of fun and really busy. Unfortunately I have pictures of the weekend because they are all on my husband's phone. We had a great time though and I will post pictures just as soon as I can rescue them from the abyss of digital land.

....Okay so I have tried to write a post for the past half an hour. I keep writing things down and then deleting them.

So instead I am putting up a Motivation Poster and we will try this thing again tomorrow! Hopefully by then I will have pictures and we will do a recap of the weekend!

Here is your Motivation and trust me I needed it this morning too!

#medifast #tsfl #takeshapeforlife #weightloss #healthy #food #healthcoach #losingweight #diet #motivation #beforeandafter

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