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Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Four....

....Months that is!

Tomorrow my little angel will be four months old!

Here is her monthly update!

-Babbling and finding her own voice. Miss Kyra has really found her own sound and seems to want to respond when we talk to her. She loves making noise!

- Everything goes in her mouth. Hands, clothing, stuffed animals, burp cloth...anything she can rub on those gums!

-She is up to eleven pounds and seven ounces! No more weight checks, baby girl is growing!

-Loves- The dogs, ceiling fans, baths, when anyone kisses her neck she laughs out loud, also in love with this crazy bird we got from Target for her car seat, and her  stuffed elephant. Oh and fabric! She adores fabric!

-She is still fitting into 0-3 months clothing and just did move to size two diapers which we decided on when she was having major leaking issues at nighttime.

-Still sleeping through the night most nights. Usually from 10pm to 6am but not always. Teething always makes for an interesting schedule.

-Naps are come and go these days. She used to get two really good ones in but now she spends about fifteen minutes down and then is up and cranky for an hour and then finally another fifteen minutes. She just wants Mommy during these times. She also tends to do these sort of grunting noise when she is irritated but not ready to cry yet.

-Rolls all over. Front to back, back to front....just a rolling machine! She loves being on the floor on a blanket and just rolling around. However when she gets the urge to try and crawl she gets mad. She can scoot using her legs all over the place but has not figured out that her arms would really help her along. It will come I suppose.

-Sitting propped up. If she is not on the floor she demands to be propped up so she can survey the world.

I cannot believe it has been four months that she has been part of our lives. Every day I just love her more and more! However right now I have to run because Little Miss is DONE with waiting on Mommy!

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