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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday Things

Good Morning!

This post is just going to be a random mish mash. I am still working on the favorites post. I cannot seem to get good pictures! FRUSTRATING.

Also I am working on a Things You Don't Know About Me. I always love those type posts!

So here are some random things for your Thursday!

1. I had to run out in the rain and rescue the dog this morning. I had put her out early and then went back to bed since Kyra was up most of the night. Of course I wake to hear the thunderous roar of pouring rain and I had to run out, in pajamas, and rescue the monster dog. Who of course got away from me, ran into the house and tracked muddy paw prints all over. Super fun.

2. Speaking of super fun. Did anyone else watch Super Fun Night??? I LOVED IT. I am a huge fan of Rebel Wilson. She just cracks me up. Also her name is Kimmie in the show. That means we are practically sisters right? Plus I would for sure be up there singing at a piano bar. Love it.

3. Holly over at Where we can live like Jack and Sally did a post yesterday where she basically called all the lurkers out and then spent her evening responding to everyone. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. Holly would never act like it but she is kind of a big deal. I mean....people know her! So when she sent me an email ( even though we have emailed before) I got all excited. You know like when the cool kid in high school would say hi to you. She is hilarious and awesome and yes I am a little starstruck!

4. I am working on Kyra's 4 month old post! I cannot believe she will be 4 months old! She is now wearing at least two outfits a day to make sure that she wears everything at least once. Actually I am considering just putting her in all of them one day and taking a picture of each one....Not that it matters, she is the cutest baby no matter what she wears! I might be biased though....

5. I am already working on Christmas lists. I am thanking Swagbucks now for this one. I hope everyone likes stuff from Amazon! Also if you don't know what Swagbucks is, it is a site that rewards you with points for using them as a search engine, online shopping through them, and watching video things. Basically you earn points and then cash them in for gift cards. Now that I am home full time I try and make the most of these during Kyra's nap time. If you are not signed up and would like to just go to the website and register. Also if you would say that I referred you that would be awesome!

Okay that is all for now. Time to Zumba! ....If Kyra lets me....

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