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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday

Good Morning,

Watching Julie/Julia, which combines two things I and blogging.

Now I'm not a huge fan of Julie's portion of the movie. The idea is neat and it makes for good blogging material but honestly it is not as intriguing as Julia's portion.

I love the story of her learning to cook, love to hear about her great love affair with her and romance, what more could a girl ask for?

However it was the Julie portion that struck a cord with me today.

Primarily the portion where she is sitting at her "obligatory lunch" with her "friends" and they are discussing turning thirty and basically making her feel like crap as they wallow around in their accomplishments.

It made me sad. Mostly because I cannot believe that someone would sit there and take that kind of abuse. It is abuse after all, if even it is only internal.

I will turn thirty next year. It got me to thinking about my accomplishments.

I'm not a career girl, I don't think that I ever was one. Yes I worked, I've had a job since I was 16 years old but never really had a career. I've always wanted to write and that will happen one day but honestly there is no "career girl" in me.

I do have accomplishments however, I am a wife and a mother, and no a stay at home mom which believe it or not is actually a lot of work.

I am not the type to measure my accomplishments by others however. I was lucky enough my parents taught me to appreciate what I have and let me be who I am. In fact other than my insecurities about my weight I think of myself as a very happy and content person.

But I see how others compare themselves. I see these group gatherings and watch them posturing for position, trying to prove who is more accomplished and watch as faces fall with insecurity and doubt as they each try to out do the other.

Why do people do this? Why compare yourself when each of us is different and each of us is experiencing an entirely different set of circumstances? There are always going to be those that have things just fall in their lap without much effort and there will always be those that have to work and toil for each bit of ground that they gain. So why bother comparing and feeling bad about yourself if there is just no possible way for each individual to have the same experience?

Anyhow, sorry to load you down on this Thursday morning but I just got to thinking about the whole thing and felt the need to write about it. Hope you all have a happy day and tomorrow I will be back with the Friday Favorites!


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