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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup


So today I am joining the massive linkup with Holly and Jake! Finish the sentence with some funny stuff and possibly win a prize! So here we go!


My happy place...under the covers middle of the bed, no sharing! 
what happens when you share a bed with @Kenzie Viere or @Hannah Ashcraft
Whatever happened to...that channel that used to show Music Videos? I remember watching it as a kid....there were all these great songs and silly videos to go along with them.....I know that there was a whole channel devoted to it once....
 *sigh #mtv

So what if I....laughed hysterically for ten minutes while squirrels pelted my dog with nuts?
E! needs a reality show about... me running around smacking people for using words like "totes" "adorbs" and "cray" ...yes I know you bloggers use those all the time. STOP IT. 
My go-to fast food meal is...spicy chicken sandwich......I'M SPICY!!!! 
You might not know that the last person on Earth to not have a smart phone. I still have a slide out one that can do two and text. You know you are intimidated by my cool. 
The hottest quarterback in the NFL is...Chase Daniels. Why? Because he went to Mizzou....and he plays for the horrible Chiefs so that means he gets to do nothing but look good all day. 
If I could....I would happily talk only in movie and TV quotes.
My personality is awesome because...I am just super awesome?? Oh a real reason? I'm bubbly and happy most of the time, plus a good listener, everyone comes to me to unload their drama. 

Twerking is....not for white girls who cannot dance. Also should not be in the dictionary. Society is failing. 

I think it's super gross hair tie gets sweaty and I have to pull it free from my just feels disgusting.

Someone needs to tell Miley keep her tongue in her mouth, seriously she is like a lizard or something....

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