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Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am floundering.




I will just come clean and admit it. I am hopelessly lost.

It's the weight loss thing.

I cannot seem to get my mind around it. I read motivational blogs and posts. I read weight loss books. I have done this yo yo thing forever and a day. I have played the game and won....and lost again.

I just have no idea where to begin now. There is so much information and I feel like I am overloaded.

Do I count calories?
Do I go paleo?
Can my body even handle a WOD? (Which apparently means Workout of the Day)
So "diet" is a bad word....but if that isn't what I am doing then what am I doing?
Lifestyle change? Um...I'm a new mom...I am not even sure what lifestyle I have anymore...and I am now a SAHM and it is a big adjustment.....

See? I am spinning. I need help. I need rules and structure.

And I want.......I want to be sexy. I want to feel pretty again. I want my husband to see me and remember the me that I used to be.

I want to set a good example for my baby girl.

I want to be a fit and healthy mommy....and a fit and healthy me in general.

So here it S.O.S. I have got to figure this thing out. I cannot go on like this anymore. I deserve to really love my body and I deserve to have one that I am proud of...I am not afraid of the work it will take to get it....I'm just not sure where to begin.

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