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Monday, September 9, 2013

Back up to my Weekly Shenanigans

Welcome Back Everyone!

Amazingly enough the weekend is over again, and although I am a stay at home momma now and Monday morning does not hold the same pain that it once did, you could say that every day is  my Monday but since I love my job so much I am inclined to think of every day as my Friday!

Still the weekends are wonderful because the hubby gets to spend them with us and this past weekend was pretty fun!

The garage sales were this past weekend and we did score some deals but sadly a dryer was not one of them, so for the time being I will be continuing to do my laundry at my mom's. However I have a baby to bribe her with so she doesn't mind it at all!

Our garage sale scores included a changing table, a lawnmower, and more picture frames than I really needed.

Here is the changing table...isn't it adorable? I am so ridiculously excited about the storage space. It is just floating around in the room at the moment because I have to do some serious rearranging. In fact I need to do some real purging. I am so ready to just start chucking things to the curb and starting fresh. There is so much gear that comes along with a baby and when you combine that with all the stuff that already is around from two people who keep everything....well it gets cramped quickly! So that is the goal for this week. Start sorting and getting rid of things, I am calling it my Fall Cleaning Extravaganza! (It always sounds more fun if you give it a good name!)

Well I am off to do the daily chores before Kyra is up from her morning nap! Hope Everyone had a good weekend! Here is a cute picture to start your week off right!

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