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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now We Are 3 months!

Good Morning!

This little angel is three months old if you can believe it! I hardly can! She is so amazing and has the best little personality starting to show through! The adorableness of her is on overload level!

-She sleeps through the night with one feeding at about 3am and then she is up like clockwork at 6:30am and ready for the day!

-She is finally starting to fit into her zero to three month outfits!

-She is now up to 9 pounds and is 22 inches long!

-Favorites include: Bath time, Her mobile, ceiling fans, raspberries (the noise not the food!), and the dogs

-She rolls over all the time! She would roll right away from me if I let her!

- She tries to scoot herself forward now...the days of crawling are near!

- Loves sitting upright (with help from Mommy of course!) 


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