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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Weight Loss Initiative

That title makes it sound way cooler than it really is...

Yeah I am back on the weight loss thing and this was Day 1...again.

So how was Day 1?

Well let's start with the not so awesome:

--I went over my calorie limit.

--I got no formal workout done.

--I fell into a pity party once I saw how poorly I had done and felt like giving's only day 1!

So now the more awesome parts:

--Day 1 is over.

--I did track every single bit of food that went into my mouth. I didn't skip, even when I knew it was going to be a bad number as a result. I just kept on tracking and dealt with it, even when it sent me into the pity party land.

--I am learning that I over eat in the evenings and under eat in the mornings. That needs to be changed.

So all in was your typical Day 1. Not easy with a learning curve....but hey at least it is a step in the right direction. Also I went over my calories by only 100 calories...not nearly as bad as it could have been if I hadn't been tracking and just kept eating!

Whew! Now that I have come clean on all that it is time to share my goals with you all.


-- Lose 20 pounds by Halloween, and 40 pounds by Christmas

-- Workout at least 4-5 times a week

-- Continue to track every single bit of food that I eat

-- Blog about my journey to lose the baby weight plus some more! I am much more accountable when I have to post on here about how I am doing!

So those are the goals for the moment. I know I have a few more but I have to take baby steps right now.
Paleo weight loss motivation

Anyone else starting Day 1 this week? Struggling to get things on track? Leave me a comment!

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