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Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Five, or Five on Friday

Good Morning all,

So here is another edition of Five on Friday, just five things from the week that I found either amusing, interesting, or just happened.

1) Kyra had her doctor's appointment on Wednesday and she is up to 10lbs and 8oz and is 23 inches long! Baby girl is finally catching up! Plus she just gets cuter every week!!

2) I Started this yesterday. It is a small start but it is something after all. Plus I am walking with Kyra in the mornings, three miles in all, it is slow going but there are lots of hills and again, it is something.
30 Day Challenge.
3) This is the most accurate pin ever.....
4) I have been scouring Pinterest in search of Halloween Costume Ideas....I am loving this makeup....halloween makeup?
5) And finally, the Hubs is off at a shooting competition this weekend so the little one and I will be wandering around town with my Mom. Should be fun and hopefully I will actually take some pictures! Also I plan on watching all the girly movies that I know it pains him to watch. On the list:

Memoirs of a Geisha
Fried Green Tomatoes
Bridget Jones
Legally Blonde
Under the Tuscan Sun
27 Dresses
Pride and Prejudice

That's just a few of them and to be fair he would watch Chicago because that is the movie that we saw on our very first date! 

So what's your Friday Five? Any big plans for the weekend? Either way have a good one and be safe! 


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