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Monday, September 30, 2013

The triumphant Return!

Good Morning!

Tomorrow is the first day of October!!!
So we took a little break from blogging last week because Kyra was having a rough weekend. Teething is really hard on her and we had some long nights followed with some even longer days. So blogging took a backseat to cuddling my little angel and doing my best to try and make her feel better.

This week is looking a little better so I plan on putting post up every day this week!

I am rebooting the workout and healthy living yet again this month. Last month wasn't bad by any means but it wasn't great either. I am having trouble managing my time when it comes to healthy food since our days and nights are all one big run on at the moment. However we are getting into the swing of things I think so I can try and manage a little bit better.

Working out has moved to doing Zumba Fitness on the Xbox daily and doing Blogilates and strength training every other day. Now at times I have to break up the workout. Doing Zumba for 45 minutes straight is really tough. Kyra will usually let me get through about fifteen minutes before getting cranky and I have to stop and pickup later. It's tough but any workout is better than no workout!

The strength and Blogilates is a little easier to fit in. I can do pushups, squats, lunges, and even lifts with Kyra and she gets a kick out of it! Blogilates I put her next to me on the floor and she laughs at Mommy trying to do the poses!

In other news I am working on a "September Favorites" post. I found a lot of awesome and non expensive products last month that I want to share with you all! I am not sure if it will be a normal post or if I will do a Vlog instead!

What do you all think? A post or a vlog? Also would anyone be interested in a makeup favorites video? Or even a possible....tutorial??? Let me know!

Hope everyone has a good Monday!

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