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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So What Wednesday Sept 18th

Good Morning!

Well it's Hump Day (I'm sure your Facebook, Pinterest, and all other forms of social media will inform you of this....most likely with that annoying camel)

So on Wednesdays we take the time to just say "So What?" to the little things that happen to us and let them go. No sense in dwelling on these little insignificant details really....

So here we go:

So what.....if I got all ready to do my Zumba workout only to realize that it is not in fact on the Wii but on the Xbox 360 which has been dead for nearly four months now? I'll figure something out.

So what....if I forgot that I needed to get formula when we were out yesterday and now have to make a special trip today? Kyra will love getting out and about.

So what....if I put on just a little bit of makeup to wear around the house? I will not be a frumpy housewife! I'm going to be a hot mama!

So what ....if we had to buy Luna yet another collar because she has destroyed four of them? Surely one will work right? I mean geez she's already on a log chain when we put her outside....

So what...if yesterday I took a two hour nap with Kyra? We both needed the sleep, she went nearly 48 hours only taking short little cat naps the days before. Besides, my house was clean and chores were done, we deserved the rest!

So what...if I am pouting because I cannot figure out for the life of me what to read next? I am suffering from severe book hangover...I just cannot find something to grab my interest...and I've read all the "popular" stuff out right now...

So what...if I started my Christmas/Birthday list already? Hey I started my list of things to get other people too! I hope to be done by Halloween!

See now that felt awesome! Feel Free to Join in with your "So What?" Trust me, it might just be the thing you need to make today a little better! (Also here is a camel from Google....the post needed at least one picture!)

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