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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The post that did not happen

Happy October first!

So I had wanted to do a sort of "Favorite Things" post today but I just did not have the time to get all the elements together. I am working on it but it is for sure not ready for posting yet! I am still torn as to whether it would be better as a vlog but for now it looks like it is going to just be a post.

I sort of wanted to do a "Haul" post as well. Just random things that I have picked up lately on the cheap that turned out to be a lot of fun! We will see how the week goes for that one.

In other news-

Kyra hates Zumba. I have no idea why but the moment that it starts she goes from happy baby to screaming banshee. So I have resorted to just doing this workout instead today:

Quick way to burn 100 calories! 
I have no idea if it actually burns 100 calories as I don't wear a calorie counter, but I still do it five times if it does burn 100 calories then I am burning 500! Either way it is better than nothing! 

I want to get back to walking every day now too, especially since the weather is so nice, but again it all depends on how little Miss is feeling that day. 

I am still working toward the goal of losing twenty pounds by the end of the month. I started last month but I have not stepped on the scale so I have no idea how close I am toward that goal. I am hoping that I will be close but even if I am not I won't beat myself up about it. As long as I continue to work toward it, I will reach it! 

Post is short and sweet today. I need to attempt to get some things taken care of while Miss Kyra is playing on her activity mat. 

Hope everyone has a great day! 

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