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Monday, January 21, 2013

Cleaning Spree

Today is a day off from work.

I slept like crap last night, just could not get comfy and the dogs were pacing around waiting for me to get situated. Luna also decided to have an accident. I am so prepared for this baby...I mean my dogs are like children! So a 3AM clean up was in order and for some reason the belly demanded to be fed rather loudly, so cereal was then in order as well. Random night, but I awoke at 8AM ready to get some serious chores done!

I don't feel too bad when I tell you that I just got my tree down yesterday. After all MamaLaughlin posted today that her's is still up, and she is a busy and awesome chick so obviously that means it is completely acceptable to have your tree up well into the month of January.

My husband did the major work really....I honestly cannot take much credit for the whole tree thing, but either way it is down and put away!

Still there were a lot of chores to be done since I have not had any energy the past few months. I mean literally if I sit down for too long I will be asleep. I have actually fallen asleep at work once, but thankfully it was only for like five minutes because the phone rang.

Back to the chores.

People keep saying it is nesting instinct but really it is just my OCD finally kicking back in now that I can think about more than sleeping and throwing up. There was just so much to be done that finally my brain couldn't take it and so I had to get to work this morning. The big thing that was bugging the hell out of me???


This is my vanity. I sit here every morning to get ready for work and though I am really good about cleaning my brushes every week...the vanity itself has just gotten more and more cluttered as time has gone by, and it has been driving me crazy! There are empty bottles of product, it needs to be dusted, there are a milling bits that should be in the drawer and not out for everyone to see. Every morning I've been waking up to this mess and it just stresses me out.

So then this happened:

SO MUCH BETTER! I got rid of a lot of junk that was left over from when I was trying to do my wedding makeup and got rid of the empty bottles that I always seem to cling though I won't remember what it is I like or something....or I expect them to magically fill so I don't have to buy new again. I love my makeup but seriously I hate paying for it. Though even now I am sitting here thinking..."Man a trip to Ulta would be awesome...I really want the new Loreal Lumi foundation." (You may not know this but I have a serious thing for foundation. My face isn't even bad without makeup, but something about the smooth wonderful coverage of a full foundation makes me feel all warm inside.)

Anyhow that was my big thing today but I also got the floors mopped, bathrooms cleaned, laundry done, dishes done, kitchen wiped down and cleaned, and the tops of the dressers cleared. Even the junk drawer is done....hmm...maybe I am nesting after all?

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