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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Yesterday was the big Ultrasound day! 
My husband and my mom went with me to the doctor so that we could get a look at our little one and hopefully get the tech to write down the gender for the big gender reveal party that is happening this weekend! 
Here’s how it went: 
10:15: Check in. Bladder unbelievably full for the ultrasound, mom and hubby chatting away with me while we all get excited wondering what little Baby K (that is the baby’s nickname from here on out. Our last name begins with K so it fits) is going to be. 
10:30: Super nice Ultrasound tech covers me in goo and we start the process of seeing Baby K. 
10: 31 Stubborn child is moving arms and legs around but knees are locked together. Will not move head so the tech can measure, in fact all we are being allowed to see is the child’s back and spine. So tech moves on to measuring limbs while Baby K flails around wildly…just like Mama! 
10:45: Baby K still refuses to move for the tech so she starts bouncing the wand up and down trying to get the kiddo to cooperate. My bladder is now full to bursting and my pelvis starting to ache from the movement and pressure. I begin explaining to Baby K that it needs to cooperate; we are having a party on Saturday
11:00: Tech lets me go pee since I will probably start seeing yellow any minute. I have another conversation with Baby K in the bathroom. 
11:25: Everyone is frustrated with Baby K’s stubbornness so the nice tech suggests I go to my appointment and then come back and we will try again. I wipe the goo off my pelvis and head to talk with the doctor. 
11:45: Weighed in, 5 pound gain for the pregnancy so far! Inside I feel really good about myself. Despite the fact that I think I look huge, my weight is right on target, so long as I keep moving and doing well with eating I will be just fine in the weight department. I allow myself a moment of congrats before starting to worry again that we won’t be able to see what Baby K is and the party will have to be postponed or something. Leave it to my child to be difficult. 
12:00: Dr. arrives. Everything looks good but we will have to go for a more extensive Ultrasound next week since the baby won’t get into position so we can measure the head and see all the chambers of the heart. Dr. assures me this is no big deal, everything about the baby seems fine but they do need the information. Appointment for more extensive ultra sound is set up for next Thursday and I go to wait for the Ultrasound tech for our second attempt of the day. 
12:20: Finally get in to the tech again, lots of Mommies to be around here! See what I believe is a sixteen year old with her boyfriend, she just found out she is indeed pregnant and is crying. I want to comfort her but what does one say? Her boyfriend seems really nice and supportive though. I cross my fingers and hope for the best for them. Ultrasound tech calls me in and again I am on the table and covered with goo. 
12:41: Tech has me close my eyes. Success! A snapshot of Baby K is taken and put in a sealed envelope that my husband takes away so that I don’t cheat and look. I also get lots of other pictures of Baby K, including some profile shots. I tear up, my husband gives me a big hug and we head out to feed this now starving Mama. 
See how stubborn this child is?? Just like Mama! Also with those kicking feet it is a wonder that I haven’t felt more than just the butterfly sensation! A few more weeks and those will be full-fledged kicks though! 
I cannot even begin to tell you all how excited I am for the party on Saturday. Also I cannot wait to show you all the amazing decorations that my Aunt has put together for me! I don’t want to spoil the surprise of the theme though! Next Monday I will post all the pictures and the announcement of whether Baby K is a boy or girl!

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