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Monday, January 21, 2013


Note: I actually wrote this post for Friday but as usual did not get it posted! So it will work for today since I am currently home and cleaning up a storm! 


I like to think that I am pretty good at acceptance. I try very hard to not judge and to just let everyone be just who they are. I accept that everyone is different and everyone has different views, opinions, and values.
I’ve never really had a problem with accepting anyone.
Except…for me.
I realize that my body is going to change with this pregnancy.
I realize that a lot of it is completely out of control.
I know that I am doing what I can to be as healthy as possible and moving when I can and when I am not utterly exhausted.
I know all these things.
Yet I feel huge and fat and a little bit awful.
I ask myself why I am not one of those adorable mommies with just big bellies and skinny everywhere else.
I’ve only gained three pounds and yet I worry that my butt is going to need its’ own zip code before long.
For some reason I cannot seem to accept that my body is not the perfect specimen of pregnancy, even though it is.
I mean…I am supposed to gain weight.
LOTS of moms gain weight everywhere including the belly.
I do not have a personal chef, trainer, nor can I stay home all day and practice pre natal yoga.
I have to accept these things. I have to learn to love this body and the gift that it is creating within it. I am so very lucky that this baby is growing and is looking healthy. I am so very lucky that my body is able to do this, I am so lucky that I am even able to become a mother, so many are not given the chance.
I will accept my body and the amazing journey it is taking.
I will accept my flaws and remember that I can always get back on track again later. Every pound gained can be lost again and every moment that I spend pregnant is miracle. Every moment leads me closer to the little miracle that will be joining our family.
I will accept these things, and I will smile. 

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