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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The very late weekend update/ today's update

( This post was supposed to go up on Monday....well that didn't happen...) 
So how short was your weekend? 
Mine was entirely too short. 
In fact I am really irritated by the shortness. 
Saturday was spent running around town shopping for the big Gender Reveal party that is coming up! I cannot wait to show you all the amazing amount of cuteness that we have put together! There are some truly adorable decorations going on! 
So that took up the entire day as my Mom, my Aunt, and I wandered around finding the best deals and the cutest items! It all went very smoothly and I have to tell you this mama- to- be was very pleased! 
Sunday was spent doing random chores and mostly just taking it easy. My husband had worked a twelve hour shift over Saturday night and he needed some sleep, so the dogs and I kept one another company as I tried to beat my high score on Bejeweled.
Once the husband was up, I informed him I was having a mad craving for my parents’ potato soup. I called them up and got the recipe and asked the hubby to go and get the items for me from the store. One of the ingredients is ham and he asked me just what type of ham I wanted. I proceeded to draw him a picture. Upon viewing it he informed me that it looked like a mailbox. 
Cue the crazy pregnancy hormones! 
I start sobbing uncontrollably. I was devastated by the fact he thought my drawing was so horrible. Then I started laughing like a mad woman because the whole thing was completely ridiculous! 
So there I stand, sobbing and laughing hysterically at the same time.
My poor husband thought I had lost my mind. 
Needless to say he left right then to get all the items that I needed. 
The soup turned out amazing, BTW.

And now on to Tuesday.....

I spent most of the day sick and all of it nauseated. Feel a bit better now but it will be an early night tonight. 

All my invites went out today for the party! Now this baby better cooperate next week so that we can have an awesome reveal party! 

Here's to tomorrow being a better day...I have to be at work three hours early since it is an early out day. It's going to be rough getting up that early after the day of being sick but hopefully it will all work out for me. 

Hope everyone is having a good week!


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