So it’s
Monday, which by itself is enough to make anyone cranky but throw in some “blizzard”
threats and it really makes the day awesome!
I work
for a school district so snow is a big deal, and all day long everyone is
checking the radar and scanning the weather waiting to see if we all will have
to call school for the day. It gets very tedious and you get tired of everyone
asking. Plus I work in the department that actually does the call off so it
makes it even more fun for me!
acts like it will be the end of the world with a little bit of snow, hoarding
food and such, but it all seems like madness to me. I’m thinking that school
will be called tomorrow though…if we get any of the weather they claim we are
going to get!
In other
morning was a blur. I had made sure I would be completely prepared for today by
setting out my clothes and showering last night but it still was a rush around
this morning. Here’s a rundown:
Alarm goes off and Bobby heads to work; I get up and start the whole routine of
face wash/contacts/ and general waking up
Time to let Brian Dog out. He is put out on the lead while I feed the girls and
start the dishwasher and do a little general kitchen pickup while getting my
Eat breakfast and set up the vanity with the daily makeup selection. Let Brian
back in and give him his morning pill, everyone gets a puppy treat and then I
am off to try to make my face look presentable for the public.
Done with makeup and my hair takes like five seconds to brush out and go with
it since I did it the night before
The dogs have destroyed one of the new toys we bought them and there is fluff
and stuffing everywhere. Pick up the stuffing or at least the big bits and run
the vacuum to get the rest. Well at least my house looks super clean now….
Run out to start the car so it is warm
Getting the puppies ready, Brian is gated in and Luna is put in the kennel
since she is a destroyer of all things. Kiya is the spoiled pup that gets to go
with me to my parents’ house to spend the day in doggie daycare. Make sure the
other two have food and water and each one gets a bone to chew on while I am
gone for the day
Head out the door with Kiya in tow. Apparently there has been some sort of
accident on the road we normally take so I backtrack and take an alternate
route while calling my husband to make sure he isn’t the one in the accident.
Paranoid I know. He’s fine and tells me to be safe on the gravel road out to my
The backtrack took a bit longer but I make it to mom’s, visit a moment but she
has had a rough night so I don’t stay too long. Leave Kiya there to play with
the mom’s dogs and head toward work.
clock in and start my day of fielding calls about snow days
Super crazy Monday morning and I even had my outfit picked up and my hair ready
to go the night before! Of course I could have skipped the whole vacuum and let
it wait until I got home later but I wanted my husband to come home to a clean
house. I am glad I did too since I found out he had to come home early only to
be called back in so he can work through this blizzard tonight! So I will be up
most of the night worried about him….fun times, fun times.
**Update** School was called for tomorrow! Snow Day for me!!
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