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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Super Snowflakes

Good Morning,

Just in from walking the pups and that is some serious snow out there! I came in completely covered and once the snow melted my hair was soaked....looks like we are in for some serious weather for the day!

Very glad that I am home and safe and blogging from my bed.

Less glad that my husband has been out all night working and I have no idea when he will be home or when will be a safe time for him to travel.

Actually that is pretty much the only reason I am awake right now since normally, knowing I wouldn't have to be at work, I would be sleeping happily in my bed and trying to not move much so I don't move into an uncomfortable position. Which is the most dangerous thing I have found when it comes to sleeping while pregnant.

I hope everyone else is safe in the storm and while it worries me that my guy is out there in it...part of me still feels like a little kid....I love snow. Something about the pristine look of it...before anyone walks on it and fills it with's probably the closest thing to perfection....

Uh oh...I'm starting to get poetic and writery....better stop now!

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