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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Where do we go from here?

Every time I here that phrase I start singing the song from the Buffy Musical. Love me some Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

I actually got to go to the Buffy Sing Along when I was in college, it was one of the best nights ever!


So where do we go from here?

I have been thinking about this blog post for four days now while I have been snowed in. Yes I am one of those that got the brunt of Winter Storm Q and am apparently in store for Winter Storm Rockies or Rocky...or whatever.

I've been thinking about where this blog is going and why I even bother.

To be honest I was very hurt that no one commented on my last post. Aside from no comments about the comments about the struggle with my mom stung the most.

I realize that the blog isn't about comments, it isn't a popularity contest.

Still hurt though.

So now I've been thinking on it. I love to blog. It is the only way I get any writing done lately. My book is quickly gathering dust since my pregnancy has taken over my life and the other aspects of my life have taken over whatever time I had. Actually my last post went over all the reasons why I haven't had much time for other things so I am not going to go into it.

So where do I go? It sucks that no one commented and apparently the only page views I've been getting lately are my own.

But I love to write. I need it.

So F*** it.

I'm just going to write what I want to and when I want to, I'm going to be honest and blunt and pretty much just fill these posts with the things that I need to, since I'm going to only write for me now. If someone wants to read it...awesome, but I am not going to count on it anymore. Also I know that some bloggers offer "Sponsorships" and that is great for them. I am glad that they can make extra cash with their blogs and get their names out there, but I am not going to pay someone else to put me out there. I'm good just doing it on my own. So polite pass on that.

So Where do I go from here? Well I am still working that out, but either way I'm sticking it out baby.

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