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Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Christmas Recap 2016

Saturday- My birthday! I leveled up to 32 this year and I felt just fine about that. 

My parents took me to breakfast for my birthday and then they took Kyra for a bit so that Robert and I could get some things done before we had Christmas as their place that evening. 

Christmas Eve was spent happily enjoying my family, eating loads of tasty food, and of course opening gifts. 

After my parents we headed over to my FIL's house to do more food, fun, and presents!

Sunday- Christmas Day! The morning was spent sleeping in because Kyra was exhausted from the night before. She actually slept until 8:30 am! When she did get up we spent the morning just us three enjoying our Christmas together. 

She might be a little spoiled but hey she is the only one and we do Christmas big around here!

The afternoon and evening was spent with my MIL and again there was huge amounts of food, fun, and yes even more presents! It's a full event when your family is as large as ours! 

My Brother In Law and his SO gave me the Harry Potter Brush set and I nearly cried.

Quick Backstory: Kyra LOVES gumball machines. She doesn't really want the candy as much as she loves putting money in and getting something. Anyhow this lovely cast iron and crystal beauty was my given to my husband by his grandparents years ago. It has been in storage for a long time. This year it passed to Kyra and it is just beautiful and she was so excited to have a gumball machine of her own! (Also those are M&Ms as I personally don't think Kyra is old enough for gum!)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well and apologies that this post took so long to post!


  1. 1- LEVELING UP. HELL YES. I approve this terminology.
    2- I'M SO JEALOUS SHE GOT THE PRINCESS BARBIES!?! I want the princess barbies!!! There's no logical reason for me to have them, but I wannnnttsss theeemmmmm!

  2. What a fun Christmas! I LOVE the gumball machine gift! So fun and so meaningful that it's been in the family for so long!

  3. lol @ 'I leveled up' - love it! happy belated birthday! looks like you had a wonderful christmas. i used to love gumball machines as well, i was like WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO AND THEN SOMETHING COMES OUT. i was never actually allowed to get the gum, but the candy ones. that really is super cool!

  4. haha i also leveled up to the big ol' 41. happy belated to you!

    looks like a great christmas was had by all; happy new year :)
