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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My Best Books of 2016

I didn't get as much reading done this year as I would have liked and some books I wish I would have skipped but here in no particular order are my top picks for 2016! 

A Thousand Naked Strangers: A Paramedic's Wild Ride to the Edge and Back by Kevin Hazzard-A book I picked up on a whim simply because the title struck me. Some amazing stories from the authors time as a paramedic. Some things are just to real and this book has some really wild stories. However it was a really awesome and fast read! Maybe not for the squeamish though!

You by Caroline Kepnes This book was creeped me out for WEEKS afterward. It sticks with you in a way that I cannot describe but I still find myself recommending it to friends who don't mind feeling completely uncomfortable and maybe even a little terrified. Disturbing is taken to a whole other level in this one.

Tampa by Alissa Nutting- This book was MESSED UP. I still feel weird about putting it in my top books but the fact is the writing was brilliant and the story, while completely awful and horrifying, is something that you will not forget. Again this one is not for the squeamish or for those that might be triggered by sexual abuse. It's intense.

Monstrous by MarcyKate Connolly- This book was so different from what I expected. I loved the main character Kymera and while the story had some predictability to it, it still didn't end the way that I expected. A really wonderful YA book and the start of a promising series of books.

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King-I am a Stephen King fan for the most part. I can't say that I love all his work but I still love how he can really terrify me. This set of stories had it's moments that were slow but I still find myself thinking about the really scary ones ever so often. Some ghost stories just can't be shaken I guess. And since I can't seem to let it go this one had to make my top list.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton- I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy this book. It is so different from the films and normally when the film and book are so different I get pretty annoyed. However I like the film for what it is and I liked the book for what it is. The narrator was really amazing for this one on Audible and I am really glad I purchased it so I can listen again and again.

Elite by Mercedes Lackey- The second book in a series that I am just in love with. I really enjoy Lackey's books and this new series is amazing. I love the characters and this whole new world that she has created. HIGHLY recommend if you love fantasy and distopian type books! I want to gush more about what I love but I don't want to spoil it for anyone!

Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick- I adore Anna Kendrick. I find her very relate-able. I would recommend this book be listened to as apposed to read. She narrates it herself and I think that adds to the book immensely. I laughed out loud many many times and I really enjoy her quirky nature. If you are a fan of hers then it is a must read! 


Be sure to join the linkup and share your best reads of 2016!
Life According to Steph


  1. I love Anna Kendrick, so I think that I might have to pick up her book! It would be really interesting to listen to her reading it as well. You was so creepy, but it was one of my favorite books this year too! I've heard so many good things about Tampa, and even though it deals with some really messed up stuff, I can't wait to read it!

  2. Tampa was thisclose to making my list too. Excellent writing with a difficult and screwed up subject!!

    YES for You.

  3. I keep hearing great things about Anna Kendrick's book-- I'm not super familiar with her, but it's one I think I'd consider to try on audible! Stephen King is on my list of authors to (hopefully) read next year!

  4. You wasnon my list as well :) Kendrick's book was really enjoyable as an audiobook, I listened to that one last week!

  5. You somehow did not work for me, which seriously bums me out too! Tampa is on my list and I've heard great things about it. Monstrous and Bazaar of Bad Dreams are also on my TBR (and I think from your earlier recommendations too!). Elite sounds right up my alley and I'm adding it to my TBR. I love a good YA series!

  6. I think I want to read Tampa. Even though it's messed up, it sounds really good. A Thousand Naked Strangers sounds good too!

  7. Tampa was on my long list. And YOU was one of my favorites of last year. I heart Joe.

  8. i still haven't read Tampa and honestly don't know if i have it in me lol. but i do have jurassic park on my audible list after you recommended it!

  9. I'm a big fan of Anna Kendrick, so I hope to buy this one soon! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) I do own YOU though, and that's one I hope to read in early 2017 especially since there is a sequel out already.


  10. I have the Anna Kendrick book on hold at the library. I liked You and Tampa sounds interesting.
