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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What I Read: July 2016

The Ritual by Adam Nevill- I am still kinda pissed at this book honestly. The first 3/4 were scary as all hell. 4 men lost in the wilderness being hunted by a monster that can also attack their dreams. Seriously it was thrilling and had me going...then suddenly....the whole story changed. I won't give spoilers but the last bit of the book was slow and pretty much stupid. I gave the book 2 stars only because the first bit was awesome. Disappointing.


Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics- I did not know this was a YA book when I checked it out. I had seen it on a list of scary books (which is kind of the theme this month. I was in a mood apparently.) and just picked it up. This book was weird. Creepy sure...but weird. It might be because it was trying really hard to be a disturbing horror book while still keeping the YA rating. I liked the overall story but it felt really rushed at the end and when it did reach the end it was pretty predictable. Just okay in my opinion.

The Killing Lessons by Saul Black- This book has me torn as well. The story was gripping and had me intent on finishing but at times the book was also sluggish and I found myself skimming a lot. Usually I was skimming during Valerie's sections where she laments about LOVE and LOST LOVE and how she KILLED LOVE....she was a bit pathetic in that respect. However the killers and the story of Nell and Claudia had me gripped tightly. I HAD TO KNOW what was going to happen and stayed up late finishing this one. It's creepy and also pretty graphic so fair warning if you are going to check this one out.  

Be sure to join in the linkup for more awesome reads! Best Linkup EVER.
Life According to Steph


  1. Your assessment of The Killing Lessons is right on the money.

  2. I have been in scary book mode too. I've seen The Ritual on some lists for scary books but I'll pass since you said the ending was stupid. I hate that when a really good, intense book just peters out. I'm adding Daughters unto Devils and The Killing Lessons to my TBR. Honestly, I just love the cover to Daughters unto Devils. :)

  3. Ah, I had a book like The Ritual in July too. I read The Fold by Peter Clines and it was so good right up until the end where it just got strange and felt to rushed and out of place with the story that it turned into a big disappointment.

    That's a bunch of scary books you've read though, I'm not really into horror as a genre, I tend to always just find them "just OK". Things like horror and suspense tend to just go right over my head when I'm reading haha!

    Here's to a great reading month in August!

    Are you going for another month of horror-feels?

    ~ K

  4. I have not read The Killing Lessons but now I think I shall.

    Thanks for your description of the linkup :)

  5. hmmm the killing lessons sounds interesting! i am definitely not a scary book kinda girl, but i get in moods so i will save it for one of those moods. books like the ritual, when they start out good and get crappy make me SO mad. like why? WHY. definitely best link up ever :)

  6. I hate when I have to skim a lot.

    Best linkup ever!

  7. I'm such a chicken. I don't like scary/thriller media. Give me a happy ending all day, errday.

  8. I love thrillers! Killing Lessons sounds good.

  9. That's a shame that The Ritual turned out to be no good! That first part sounds amazing.

  10. Enjoyed reading your reviews. Before this, I wasn't familiar with any of them. Have a good one!
