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Monday, August 8, 2016

Weekend Update 8/5-8/7

Friday: I spent the morning reading Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. I won't give spoilers but I will say that while the story was didn't feel like the other Harry Potter books. Maybe it was the format...maybe it is because some parts felt more like fan fiction to me....either way it left me feeling more sad about the fact that Harry Potter is over than I was before hand. 

The rest of the day was spent getting chores done, writing, and getting caught back up on all the blogs I hadn't read in weeks. If you got comments from me that were super late I apologize for taking so long to play catch up! 

Saturday: Massive Birthday Day. My twin Uncles' birthday was today. Also my Robert's Step Dad's birthday.  My cousin's little boy turned two (his actual birthday was Friday) and we had a little party for him. I can hardly believe that he is two already! It was a nice party though Kyra was slightly bummed that it wasn't a party for her. Still she was sweet and sang Happy Birthday and played so sweetly with the other kids. 

After the party my parents took Kyra so that Robert and I could go and see Suicide Squad. I know it got a lot of negative reviews but I will be honest and say that I really liked it. I thought that Harley Quinn was hilarious and Will Smith was awesome. Also I felt like they managed to keep the actual story line out of the media so I had no idea what to expect going in. However that might have hurt them as I felt like people expected it to be more of a Harley and Joker show when that was just a little bit of side story. Either way I liked it and will be buying it when it comes out. 
We also went to a movie with one of the new fancy theaters that have the reclining seats that you have to reserve ahead of time. Super comfy! 

Sunday: Epic Lazy Day. We had a late brunch and spent the day watching TV, reading, coloring, and just being together. We started a pretty funny show on Hulu called You're The Worst. 

It had me laughing pretty hard. Wasn't exactly kid friendly though so we switched over and did a marathon of Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Kyra actually really enjoyed watching those and lots of jumping and swashbuckling took place during the movies. 

All in all it was a great weekend of family and fun! How was your weekend? 


  1. Intrigued by You're the Worst.

    I'm hoping to have a hugely lazy day on Sunday.

  2. We are going to see Suicide Squad this weekend, and I'm pumped!
