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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

To the Future!

Happy New Year's Everyone!

So I just put Kyra down for her afternoon nap and this is the soonest I could get to the computer to put up a post!

So as I was playing with Kyra this morning...and as I was attempting to get her to sleep last night at about three a.m. I was thinking about my blog here.

It's a new year and thus it is time for some big problem is I am not sure what sort of changes to make. I know that my blog feels rather random. There is no real focus on here and that can kind of be a problem for people. You should really have a niche if you are blogging or doing YouTube videos. ( I am considering filming a few for fun....mostly makeup hauls, reviews, and occasionally the fun silly tag, any thoughts on that?)

The problem is I am not sure what sort of blogger I want to be.

Am I a mommy blogger?
A weight loss/fitness blogger?
A makeup review blogger?

I am really torn with just what I want to do and what category I fit into...I mean weight loss is a HUGE goal for me this year, but I am going to continue to post on the random chaos that is my life as a new mommy....I love makeup and really want to share my findings with you....also I am a writer at heart and I am really digging into my new book and I want that to be part of this blog too....

So my thoughts are, maybe I can do all of these?

Here on the blog I will be posting about my weight loss goals with weekly updates on what I am eating, my workouts, and my weight loss.

I will also have posts with my family because they are my life. If you aren't into baby pictures and gratuitous "She's so cute!" posts then you can just skip these if you like!

I will also put up a bi weekly or maybe just monthly post of how the writing process is going.

Makeup reviews will be vlogged about and linked here. I just feel that those type of posts really are better as a video than a written review!

I am working on a schedule for blogging which I think will help keep things from feeling entirely too random and I will hopefully have more on that in the next couple of days. Also I was going to put up my Day 1 post tomorrow but I think instead I will wait until Monday to post up as my weekly check in. Doing good on my goals, no worries there, but it just feels like if I start off with things on the right day then I will stick with it!

Whew! That feels so much better to get this post up and put my thoughts down in writing. I was really stressing about this post and I just don't need that kind of stress in my life!

Cheers to everyone, hope you had a happy and safe New Year's Eve!

Big Hugs!

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