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Friday, January 3, 2014

Five on Friday in the New Year!

Happy Friday Everyone!

So today I am linking up with the massive Friday Five Linkup!

Here we go!

1. Kyra has now developed the ability to worm across the floor. Yes you read that right, WORM not CRAWL. She just inch worms her way across the living room floor to get to whatever has caught her eye. Usually something fabric...or else something brightly colored. Or the dogs...Needless to say this has been hilarious but now I cannot leave her for even a moment!

2. I am working on a video with some reviews slash/haul from Ulta and Target. I am not sure how it will go over but you never know until you try!

3. Google Chromecast is my new favorite thing ever. I love being able to watch my YouTube videos on the TV, it will come in very handy next week when I start the weight loss full throttle!

4. I am also working on meal plans and daily schedules for the house. I need to have some structure to my day as I feel like I am kind of just...floating around here? I dunno but I need some focus around here.

5. Monday is going to be my weigh in and "Before" picture day! I will be starting Blogilates Beginner starting on Monday as well as keeping up with my Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will also be adding in some Elliptical time three days a week. It sounds like a lot but I really need to bump up the workouts. Also I will be continuing to to work on my eating which has been my focus these past few days since the New Year!

There is the Friday Five, Hope you all have a good weekend! See you prepared for the "before" pic!

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