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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So What Wednesday 3/20/13

Today is going to be a short post since I am not feeling all that great with the weather change. So here are my "So What?"s for the day!

-So what if my breakfast consisted of hot cocoa and 2 donuts? It was six am and I was starving!

- So what if the only real thing I accomplished on my to do list was this blog post and my daily word count?

- So what if I stayed up too late last night on Pinterest? I spent at least an hour laughing my head off.

- So what if I forgot to take my "Belly Shot" for today for week 27? I can totally do it tomorrow or Friday...all I know is my belly is growing fast!

- So what if the moment I get home I switch to pajama pants and big t shirts? All I feel is huge lately and I just want to be comfy, any pressure on my belly makes the kiddo kick like crazy!

So that is the post for the day, I will have something much more substantial tomorrow or Friday if this headache eases up! Now just crossing my fingers that we don't get snow and it is just rain. I am so ready for SPRING!!!

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