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Thursday, March 21, 2013

In which I could not agree more!!!

So I was actually working on a different post but then I ran across a post today from a fellow blogger and it demands my attention much more than what I was working on.

Today Erin over at She's a big star posted a blog about something that is very near and dear to my heart. In fact it is something that has made me consider just giving up the blog world and continuing to write in my own personal space over on instead. I still write there every day but a blog is so nice to put out there for others to see. For me blogging has been a way to share my journey and while sometimes I don't have much to say, this blog is still for me to come to when I need it. It's an outlet first and foremost for me.

Today on THIS post Erin goes into detail of the things that are really irritating about the blogging world today. I think she has hit the nail on the head with these things, and I even have a few more little things that I would like to add that really bug me too.

1) Instagram/Twitter bandits- yeah okay, I don't do instagram. I tried but it wants to link to my facebook and honestly...I don't think that everyone on my facebook really needs to see what I am eating, wearing, or doing all the damn time. You read a blog by choice but I feel like instagram floods my newsfeed with things that just really don't matter to me. I'm into reading about people and I do love to see the photos on the blogs, but seriously why do I need to overkill my family with junk they already know?? Aside from that I hate the "book" anyhow. I keep it for the friends and family that are overseas, I do not need it to follow blogs. Twitter...ah twitter. Stupid. It is just damn lazy stupid. Enough said there.

2) The lack of actual content- It has gotten to the point where some of the blogs I follow don't actually WRITE. Instead it is like reading a Google ad for someone's blog, clothes, upcoming race....there is not actually any substance to the blog anymore. It is all "Oh my gosh look at my friends and their blogs!" but those "friends" paid to be in that post....what happened to just mentioning someone because you really enjoyed what they wrote that day? Or giving the love away....for free? Just to be kind? Just to be...I dunno...a friend?

3) Exclusion/Cliques- You cannot tell me there are not blogging cliques. You cannot tell me that there are the "cool" ones and the not so cool. What sucks is that the "cool" ones expect the less cool to pay them to make them

Okay so this might seem a little like a rant but honestly....things have gotten a little out of control and it is enough to make a new blogger feel completely unwelcome and miserable. It is enough to actually put someone off writing...and that is not right.

So I will go ahead and say this now, you don't have to follow me, but if you choose to read me that is great. If you have a great post that I see and like, I will link it, no charge! If you want someone to email and talk about random junk, I am always available.

 I write here because I love to write. I put up posts about my random life just because I want to, most of my family and friends don't even know it is here, it is just a place for me to come and put my thoughts into words.

So maybe no one will read this, but if someone does I hope they check out Erin's blog. I hope that if they are just starting to blog they realize that it doesn't have to be all about that junk...that blogs were created for writing, so go ahead and write!!!!

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