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Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Baby....

I thought I would try out a little posting segment here on the blog....I have always kept a journal, either filling it with personal things or filling it with stories that I come up with daily. Since I found out I was pregnant I have been keeping a journal of things that I think and things going on with the baby in the form of letters to the baby....I thought it might be fun to share a few of the little letters that I write!

So here goes:

Dear Baby,

We heard your heartbeat the other day. It was a fast fluttering noise to hummingbird wings. Your dad insists it sounded more like rushing wind when you are at the top of something very tall. I like the hummingbird idea better since you are still so small.

It's very strange how real it all seems now. I know for sure you are in there and I wonder just what it is you hear. I also wonder how someone so small could cause me some of the worst tummy troubles ever and cause me heartburn for the first time in my life! This week you still like chocolate milk best and do not like pretty much anything else! We start to eat something and you decide that we are not having makes trying to decide on dinner very difficult and your poor daddy keeps trying so hard to make us happy!

According to the websites you are the size of a lime but you aren't even a little bump showing yet! I am excited that in a few weeks I might actually be able to feel you moving around in there and in 8 weeks I will get to see your first picture!

I hope you know how happy I am despite feeling sick and I hope that you don't think I am crazy for singing to you when you probably can't hear me yet. You will see that your mom sings all the time once you are here in the world...mostly Disney songs too....

Well Goodnight Baby...though I am sure we will be up at least six more times before the morning gets here!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

New New New

So after six years of using the same crappy laptop my husband and I decided that this Christmas we would get a new one.

It arrived yesterday.

I love it.

It has a huge screen and I can see EVERYTHING.

I finally got the chance to mess around with apps and my blog finally got the changes that I have been wanting to make for months now. It finally is starting to look like a real blog! I love my new design and I am pretty proud of myself for doing it myself instead of begging my far more tech savvy brother to do it for me!

I owe a huge debt to Chris over at Hubby Jack. After learning how to create my little Favicon it clicked that I could do far more with PicMonkey and Paint! Thus I finally designed a blog header that I like and I have a cute little Favicon!

Anyhow having a pretty blog makes me actually want to post more and perhaps if I post more I will have more than just one follower...(Hi Holly!)

I am working on commenting on other blogs more and I am trying to get myself out there all feels a little awkward still...I never was that good at self promotion, but I will try to get out in the world again, especially since I am probably going to be posting questions about being a new mom!

So here's to New things, changes, and all around goodness!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Things I am not good at....

- art of any type....(no drawing, painting, sketching, sculpting...)

- Doing one thing at a time

- Being Patient

- Posting Blog comments, I never feel I have much to say...or I debate over something until I am just too frustrated to post anything!

- Paying attention to something I find boring meetings

-Not daydreaming while my husband tries to explains guy movies to me...I wander off a lot until he starts saying nonsense to make sure I am paying attention....

- Nail art

- Cooking

- Remaining rational during a fight...I tend to just cry and repeat myself a lot....

-Being fashionable (I wear the same stuff all the time)

In contrast here are some things that I am actually pretty awesome at!

-Writing (When I don't criticize myself to the point of frustration I actually can write)

- Baking

- My makeup (I can really rock it when I want to! )

- Cross Stitch

- Telling stories

- Creating elaborate things in attempts to be organized

-Proof reading scripts and other people's work, this is when my critic is useful and not hurtful!

-Listening when something is really important and being empathetic to those that are hurting 

- Healing after a fight, just let it go, it was stupid anyways!

- Christmas Decorating!!! 

- I'm a pretty awesome wife!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Q&A and Dr. Appt. Update:

So today we had our Doctor’s appointment and my husband went with me so we could hear the baby’s heartbeat together. I thought I was going to have an ultrasound this time but apparently my doctor won’t do one until I am further along….like at 19 weeks! So I was a little bummed we didn’t get to see the little one yet but we did hear a very fast heartbeat after the doctor got done chasing the little one all around my womb. So far we just heard one heartbeat (twins run in the family) so we believe it is just one little one in there!
Here’s a little Q&A based on all the questions everyone has asked since we announced our news! I thought it might be fun to share in case anyone out there reading was interested!
How far along are you?
As of Today I am 11 weeks and 3 days

When is your due date?
My due date is June 19th, 2013

Have you had any morning sickness?
Yes, minimal but yes I have had it. Although when my mom was pregnant with me she actually found out because she went to the doctor thinking she was dying. She couldn’t keep anything down and felt awful. She was so relieved when the doctor told her she was just pregnant!
I spend a lot of time nauseas however, even if I don’t get physically sick, I still feel icky and I have had one or two bouts with vertigo. Also I sleep A LOT. We are talking 10-11 hours here…this is excessive for someone who normally operates on 4-6….

Are you going to continue to work after the baby is born?
As of right now, yes, I still plan on working after…but that might change.
Have you started wearing maternity clothes or gained any weight?
I am in my “fat” clothes that I hadn’t gotten rid of yet. I am only one size up and I haven’t gained anything according to the scale at the doctor’s office. My doctor actually asked if I was eating and keeping food down. That is a resounding YES. But apparently the baby needs the extra I’ve been eating; which is fine by me! I did buy a belly band however and I love that thing!

Are you showing yet? When can we see pictures?
I am not showing, no. There is a little firmness but other than my normal little belly pouch there is no extra bump that I can see yet.

Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
Yes, we are going to have a gender reveal party actually and I am really excited about it!

Were you surprised when you got a positive pregnancy test?
Yes we were, Very much so! However I had a slight suspicion when I didn’t get my “friend” on time. I am never late, like not ever. So when it had been four days with no sign of anything…not even any PMS…I thought it was time to buy that little pink box.

Had you guys been trying?
No, we had been planning to wait to really try once we had been married a year, but fate had other ideas it seems! 

Did you tell your husband in any special way? Ha! No. I was shocked to see the little plus sign appear…I actually took another one right then to be sure and then walked out to the living room and told my husband that we were going to be parents while holding two sticks in my hand. He was surprised, I was surprised…and it took a few days before we stopped wandering around in shock. (Full Disclosure: I took another test the next morning just to check again!)
Do you want a boy or girl?
Either is just fine by us…but I think that my husband really wants a son to carry on the family name since he and his brother are the last two.

Do you have names picked out?
I have a few names I am toying around with…my husband has one in particular that he really likes, but the names are going to be kept under wraps until the big day!

Are you going to follow an eating plan? Any Cravings?
Not so much. Mostly I am just listening to my body’s signals. This means I eat like eight times a day, very small portions otherwise I get sick. Also no real cravings yet, but I do think about Chocolate Milk  and Cocoa a lot…I try to not go overboard with these but they are so amazing once I have gotten my hands on them! 

Holiday recap

Welcome back from the Happy Holiday!
Well apparently for some people it was a stress induced madhouse which I can relate to as most of my holidays are that way. Holly’s description of an OCD mom wanting to make everything from scratch and make the holiday perfect as can be reminds me of every holiday prior to this last one. My mom always works so insanely hard to make everything wonderful and she cooks for an army and works so hard that by the time it is dinner time she is exhausted and ready for a nap and really tired of being around all of us!
This year however was a different story.
My mom decided that Thanksgiving was just going to be the six of us (my immediate family and my husband) and that we would just have lunch and then hang out.
Dinner turned out fabulous like always but there was no rush or hurry. My husband and I showed up and mom was happy as could be. The food was done and everyone was in a good mood. After chowing down we cleared the table and settled in for a game of Creationary.
(image from Google) 

 My mom picked this up after seeing the commercial and I can tell you it was great fun and hilarious. Also I won because I am awesome at board games and am a great guesser. This game is definitely a must for family get-togethers; you will laugh until you cry.
The rest of Thanksgiving was spent by me snoozing away ( I have no control over this anymore, I sleep ALL. THE. TIME. ) My husband had to go into work at 11pm and didn’t get home until well after 6am. I did not go out shopping because the thought of crowds and people and the smells…well it’s all a little overwhelming for me at this point. So instead I watched movies and slept.
Friday was spent with Mourning (yes I spelled that correctly) Sickness. I mean the entire day was spent with me sick. Most likely because I overate the day before or maybe it was just the baby’s way or reminding me it was there. Either way, Friday was a complete no go.
Saturday was spent at my husband’s father’s place. My step mother in law had all her family there and it was a crowded space and I confess I went and hid in the basement where it was cool and quiet. Not trying to be anti-social but when I overheat I get sick right now. The gathering was nice but I couldn’t stay long, the sickness was setting in yet again.
Sunday my husband spent the morning with the guys out at breakfast while I stayed home and made space for the Christmas tree. Once he was home he drug out all the stuff and now my Christmas tree is up and lit and I feel amazingly happy. It almost brought me to tears which amused my husband. I cry over everything though so really it was no surprise.
All in all the holiday was really great and I enjoyed that it was a simple one this year since being pregnant takes a lot out of a girl! I am currently working on my “pregnancy so far” post and hopefully will have it up for tomorrow, also tomorrow I go in to the doctor for my first ultrasound!! I cannot wait to see the little life in there!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving announcement

Hello All!
Okay so I am going to be on time this time with the blog link up that Holly is hosting! I am actually going to get this up tonight so that I am not scrambling a post together three days later…in my normal epic failing manner….
I would have liked to do a VLOG but I have yet to figure out how to do it….I suppose I can do it from my iPad? I dunno….anyhow I’ll just write it up instead! 
Here are the questions:
1.       What do you look forward to more: the food, football or parades?---Um the food. I love Thanksgiving food, most specifically mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. This Thanksgiving in particular I am really looking forward to the food…providing when I actually get to eat it still looks appetizing…
2. What is your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving Day dish? Well this year it is going to be Pineapple Upside down cake as that is what I am contributing to the dessert table! It’s my favorite cake and I even had Pineapple Upside down cupcakes at our wedding!

3. After dinner, is it football or a nap? Um…normally it is neither. Normally I am off to my husband’s family or someone else’s to eat another dinner……this year however I will probably pass out…as I am prone to these days….

4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? Which is your favorite float? Yes I watch it but don’t have a favorite float. I like the performances the most!

5. Where do you go to celebrate and eat your big meal? Who is there (family, friends)? This year it is just my parents, my 2 brothers, my husband, and me. This year anyhow….

6. What is your favorite turkey day dessert? I think sweet potatoes are a dessert….other than that I suppose um….can I say my cake again? Cake.
Okay so if you haven’t guessed from my little (not so subtle) hints I have some news to share along with this Thanksgiving post….

I’m pregnant!

It has been super hard to not post about it on the blog here but this seems like a great week to go ahead and put it out there into the world!
I will be doing a big post on how we found out and all those other things tomorrow but for today I just had to shout it out here! My husband and I are super excited and it’s going to be a whole new chapter in our lives as new parents!
Big hugs from around here and hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Organized

There is something immensely satisfying about organization.

Or at least I find it satisfying anyhow.

I finally posted back on the blog and actually feel ready to start making regular posts again.

I spent a good portion of my evening cleaning up my Google reader and clearing out blogs that have either fallen by the wayside or just don't apply to me anymore (Bridal Blogs).

It feels amazing to have my reader all cleaned up and providing me updates on blogs that I actually read daily and follow regularly. Also it will make it much easier for me to start commenting on the blogs I love and get myself back out there in the world again. I cannot remain a blogging hermit!

It's nice to have this little space where I am creator and controller. My house right now looks like a disaster area after our Halloween party and of course having three dogs now instead of two is doing a number on my nerves. Plus I have been so exhausted lately that I have not had the motivation to do more than laundry.

My hubs even had to do the dishes.

Also he made dinner last night.

Yes ladies you have my permission to be jealous. He rocks my face off.

Do expect more changes on the blog, my brother is currently trying to help me achieve some updated looks around here and also be expecting some other awesomeness this week as well!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012


It’s been so very long since I posted anything.
The only thing I can blame it on is that my life has been super crazy lately and I have been battling exhaustion like nobody’s business. Any free time I have lately is spent sleeping!
That being said I have really been dreaming about the blog a lot. Trying to come up with what I want it to be like and what I see for it in the future. I have some ideas, but I am nervous about getting things going. Blogging is so personal some times and that can be a very scary thing for someone who is pretty private. Even if I am a writer that doesn’t mean I want to write everything down for everyone to see it. Still I feel the need to write and document things and I really LOVE blogs. I love reading them and when I am in the groove I love writing one.
So I am going to start anew and breathe some new life into this little blog of mine. So be expecting some serious changes around here, hopefully starting with the way my layout is and moving on from there!
Also since I won’t be able to do NANOWRIMO this year I think I will participate in a little challenge of my own….at least three posts a week for the rest of the year! I would love to commit to more than that but I have to start small for now!