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Thursday, November 29, 2012

New New New

So after six years of using the same crappy laptop my husband and I decided that this Christmas we would get a new one.

It arrived yesterday.

I love it.

It has a huge screen and I can see EVERYTHING.

I finally got the chance to mess around with apps and my blog finally got the changes that I have been wanting to make for months now. It finally is starting to look like a real blog! I love my new design and I am pretty proud of myself for doing it myself instead of begging my far more tech savvy brother to do it for me!

I owe a huge debt to Chris over at Hubby Jack. After learning how to create my little Favicon it clicked that I could do far more with PicMonkey and Paint! Thus I finally designed a blog header that I like and I have a cute little Favicon!

Anyhow having a pretty blog makes me actually want to post more and perhaps if I post more I will have more than just one follower...(Hi Holly!)

I am working on commenting on other blogs more and I am trying to get myself out there all feels a little awkward still...I never was that good at self promotion, but I will try to get out in the world again, especially since I am probably going to be posting questions about being a new mom!

So here's to New things, changes, and all around goodness!

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