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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Organized

There is something immensely satisfying about organization.

Or at least I find it satisfying anyhow.

I finally posted back on the blog and actually feel ready to start making regular posts again.

I spent a good portion of my evening cleaning up my Google reader and clearing out blogs that have either fallen by the wayside or just don't apply to me anymore (Bridal Blogs).

It feels amazing to have my reader all cleaned up and providing me updates on blogs that I actually read daily and follow regularly. Also it will make it much easier for me to start commenting on the blogs I love and get myself back out there in the world again. I cannot remain a blogging hermit!

It's nice to have this little space where I am creator and controller. My house right now looks like a disaster area after our Halloween party and of course having three dogs now instead of two is doing a number on my nerves. Plus I have been so exhausted lately that I have not had the motivation to do more than laundry.

My hubs even had to do the dishes.

Also he made dinner last night.

Yes ladies you have my permission to be jealous. He rocks my face off.

Do expect more changes on the blog, my brother is currently trying to help me achieve some updated looks around here and also be expecting some other awesomeness this week as well!!!

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