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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Shelf Love

Welcome back to the monthly book linkup. I actually managed to do this one ahead of time and schedule it so hello from the past!

Here's what I've been reading.....

Kate Daniels Series Continued- I won't go on about this too much but I'm continuing through the Kate Daniels Series and loving each book more and more. I will say there was a bit a fit thrown when I realized as I was reading what I thought was the next book in the series only to find out there was a novella that had key information that came before the book but was never mentioned. This is what happens when you come to a series late. The books are awesome however and anyone that likes modern fantasy should check them out. 10/10.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes- Again I'm late to the party. I know most people have read this already but I finally got around to it and I'm really glad that I did. The basic concept is simple enough, saying yes to things that make you uncomfortable and getting new life experiences out of them but the big takeaway I got from this is that while saying "yes" to everything she finally started saying "yes" to herself as well. Also this was hilariously written (I mean come on Shonda KNOWS writing) but I highly recommend the audio book because she actually reads it and it is awesome when author's read their own stories. If you are looking for a little self help without it being 'self help' check this one out...unless of course I'm the last person on earth to read it which is totally possible.


Be sure to join the linkup.

Life According to Steph


  1. yay kate daniels! yeah the novellas threw me too, i had to constantly check goodreads to see what to read next. i skipped one or two novellas, the ones about jim and... dali? i think that's her name? but i read the others. i also *loved* year of yes. so good!

  2. So Im going to try to read one an Ilona Andrews book and hope it works out. Im not a typical fantasy reader. My sister LOVES fantasy though.

  3. I bought the Year of Yes last year or early this year and I really do need to get to it.

  4. I'm not a big reader of books like Yes, but that sounds like a great one!
