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Thursday, May 3, 2018

So What's Up?

The Bump: This week we are 34 weeks and closing in on the final weeks of this pregnancy!
Doing Non Stress Tests until Baby Boy arrives. No worries he's perfectly healthy! 

Nesting: I have nothing done. I'm in a panic. Why do I wait so long to do things????
Image result for why am I like this gif

Kyra has preschool graduation in 2 weeks and honestly I can't even handle it.
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We ran off to Baltimore and DC for a week.

First zoo trip of the year.

Carter's had a huge sale last week and Robert said to just fill up a cart so he could see what I liked and the stuff should arrive this afternoon! I'm so excited because everything was 70 percent off and I also had an extra 20 percent off so I SAVED A TON.
Image result for money gif

Unfortunately that savings is going to have to go to fixing my car as she is in the shop and I'm super sad. 
Image result for boo gif

So that's what is going on around here? What's new with you? Be sure to join the linkup! 


  1. that's awesome baby boy is doing well and yay for sales! always better when you save money, but bummer you have to use it for your car. it's always something, right?!

  2. Oh, I hear ya regarding the money you saved from one thing going towards paying for something else! I, too, have a fairly expensive car maintenance thing that needs to be done soon. I'm not looking forward to writing that check.
