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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

What I Read: April 2017

The Week Before the Wedding by Beth Kendrick- Another Kendrick book and another fairly predictable love story. I actually liked this one a lot even though it wasn't set in the Black Dog Bay series. The characters were enjoyable but I did get slightly annoyed at the main character's complete devotion to following everyone's wishes but her own. Sure I know people just like that and that is absolutely a thing but it was so frustrating. I would say if you are a fan of Kendrick you will love this and if you are just looking for a light summer read you will also probably really enjoy this one. 

The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney- This book has me feeling some type of way. I was hooked pretty early on and the characters had me intrigued even though it was really hard at times to keep them straight since the story flashes from past to present throughout the entire thing but by the end I was just left with this sense of meh....followed quickly by undeniable anger and then eye rolling frustration at the author for having trapped me in a book with a lackluster ending. Honestly I don't even know what I think now. I gave it a three star rating but I am really considering dropping it to two now that I have thought about it a little longer. I'm just not sure. Also some SERIOUS trigger warnings: rape, infant loss, physical abuse. Just to warn you ahead of time if you are considering this book because I wish I would have known so I could have avoided it. 

That was all I finished this past month but I have about 5 that I am currently reading included Neil Gaiman's American Gods which I am listening to on audio book and am constantly trying to sneak off and listen to on my own so I can fully appreciate it. So far it is really good! 

So what have you been reading? Be sure to link up! 
Life According to Steph


  1. I liked The Girl Before because I liked how the author kept twisting my perspective of the characters. I'd see them one way and then a fact (or maybe a lie) would come to light and switch how I would feel about them.

  2. I reviewed The Girl Before as well. I didn't love it either. And you're right: trigger warnings aplenty

  3. i have a hard time with characters who put everyone else in front of their own needs because i am definitely not like that at all haha. the girl before is on my list, but thank you for the trigger warnings! sometimes i feel like i can go into books like that prepared and other times it is enough for me to not pick it up.

  4. I liked The Girl Before, but I also get what you're saying. I love reading book reviews because you get so many different perspectives. :)

  5. The Girl Before seems to be the book of the month. I started American Gods but was having a hard time getting into it- surprising since everyone seems to LOVE Gaiman!

  6. I liked The Girl Before but can see how it can be a difficult read for some.
