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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Currently....So Far in 2017....

Working On: Setting up my goals for 2017, Meal Planning, Budgeting, and taking a mini break from social media to relax and figure out just what I want from not only this space in the coming year but what I want from myself.
Image result for checklist gif

Watching: Pete's Dragon. On Repeat. All Day. Everyday. It is Kyra's new obsession and honestly I am kinda okay with that because the movie is SO MUCH BETTER than the original. It is really a wonderful movie. 
Image result for pete's dragon

Reading:  The Graveyeard Apartment by Mariko Koike. I wasn't trying to read creepy books but that is what is happening here in the new year!
Loving: The New Aldi's that opened up near me. Seriously I got a cart full of groceries for $45!! For a family on a budget this is HUGE.

Image result for I'm on a budget gif

Excited: That two of our friends M and A are coming in to visit this weekend! It will be another weekend of games, drinking, and merriment! Best way to start 2017!
Image result for excited gif anna kendrick

So what are you up to Currently? Be sure to share and join the linkup!  

What's New With You


  1. Now I can't remember if I bought the new live action Pete or not. Must check. Probably since Pete is Teh German's fave evvvarrrrr.

  2. i'm also moving away from social media...i've been doing that for a while now because it's just too much!

  3. ohhhh i still haven't seen the new pete's dragon! i know the original is awful, but it's like awesomely awful? i don't want to ruin my childhood haha. yay for Aldi! i used to go all the time at home, but only just (like earlier this week) went to Aldi here in the US and I bought so much stuff for $40. amazing! of course, i then had to go to my regular grocery and buy stuff they didn't have, but you know. still good.

  4. You are like the 3rd or 4th blogger I've read today who has mentioned taking a break or having been a social media break. I totally understand the necessity for that. Too much of anything is not good and I think too much social media just mentally fatigues us. I started limiting my exposure back in the summer. It helped my overall mood greatly. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Isn't it awesome when a kid's movie is so much fun to watch? When I met Liam, Cars was his absolute favorite. Now, he's 9, but every now and then, he breaks it out to watch again. It reminds me of re-watching movies from my childhood too that we never want to give up.
