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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"You Can't Pour From An Empty Cup...."

 Image result for you cannot pour from an empty cup

This morning I ran across two posts that struck a cord with me. 

Contradictions of Motherhood

 Why Mothers Stay Up Late

There are pretty accurate representations of my life right now. 

This mom gets it. 

I have been feeling so "touched out" and tired. 

I have been checked out mentally because I just can't seem to wrap my head around just who I am anymore. 

I know that I am Kyra's Mama and I love that. 

I know that I am Robert's wife and I love that too. 

I'm also a daughter and a sister. 

But there is still me in here somewhere and I am working to find her again. 

I need to remember that that Mom Guilt is just something I need to ignore. I'm human and I am allowed to be. 
Some days I forget that. 


  1. You are Kimmi who loves games and magic and make-up and more! I don't have the answers you need, but I am pulling for you to have a little self-rejuvenation.

  2. the other day, kayla asked me if i have "mom guilt". first of all, she's 8; why is she asking about mom guilt?? in any case, when I asked "guilt about what?" she responded with "i'm not sure...but i saw on tv that some moms feel guilt about working or doing things for themselves when they have kids. is that true? do you have that? because you shouldn't. doesn't everyone need to work?" smart girl.

    i have zero mom guilt; i actually have never felt that and neither should any other person. while we would love to spend all of our free time with our family/kids, that's simply a myth unless you're rich and have hired help do to everything else that regular folks have to do.

    i'm more than a mother and i work hard to keep fostering my passions. kids are draining and take a lot of energy but i also set myself and my marriage as a priority so that's what i do - i prioritize. my house is no longer organized (impossible with kids) so i've made peace with that. i don't have a spotless kitchen 24/7 (again, kids = impossible). i have stains on my floors and upholstery thanks to sticky hands and the love of play doh/paint/clay/glitter. do i fret over that? nope. what matters to me is that me and my family are happy and healthy; that's it. i put in as much effort into myself as i do for kayla; no one can blame you for that!
