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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Things I believe this week

 I need to work on my self care more. Yesterday I spent the day on the couch with a heating pad due to a pulled muscle in my back. I keep telling myself I need to get in a massage to take care of the stress I am carrying around in my back but I also keep putting it off. 

Mani/Pedi should start becoming a more important part of my weekly routines. My toes look fine but my fingernails are a hot mess. 

I need to get over my body issues. Looking at pictures from high school was a huge awakening. I wasted SO MUCH TIME convinced that I was ugly and fat and gross in high school and I look like a perfectly normal teen. I spend so much time hating my body and I need to get over it and let it go. 

Face Masks are my skin's saving grace. I had posted about getting the Peter Thomas Roth masks at Sephora and I am honestly in love. Actually I might do an entire post on them! 

That taking a day off to heal is not a weakness nor is it laziness. If you get hurt you need to take it easy and heal. There is no shame in that. 

Time spent snuggled up reading the same book over and over again with Kyra is never time wasted. 

Her current favorite book.


  1. "I spend so much time hating my body and I need to get over it and let it go." - I'm with ya, girlfrand.
    The thought of you and Kyra cuddled up reading a book makes my heart smile.

  2. When I feel at my grossest, I always tell myself that I could be royalty. They prided fatness, lol. So essentially, I'm a queen. :) And then I tell myself to get over it because life is stressful enough without me making it about my body.

    I have strongly considered getting one of those massage memberships, but it's so much money that I can't bite the bullet. Instead, when I'm really jonesin' I check groupon for deals. This has led to some mediocre massage, but a mediocre massage is better than no massage!

    Don't judge us who refuse to use rest days! I'm so glad Chiro didn't try to tell me not to run Disney because of my toe. Actually, this morning, neither BF or I wanted to get up for our AM run, so we didn't and stayed in bed for another 20 minutes instead. It was glorious. I am planning on trying to run this afternoon if it's not the temperature of the sun outside. Trying being the key work there.

  3. Yesss! Please follow through on this! Self care helps us to be the best version of ourselves.

    I need to schedule massages in advance, so I did that on Sunday. I get pedicures but paint my nails weekly at home. Fresh nails never fail to brighten my day up.

    I'm trying to make faces masks more of a 2-3 time a week thing for me. They make a huge difference! I have always had them but have not been vigilant or scheduled about them.
