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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hey It's Okay....

To utterly neglect housework in favor of reading.

To actually do housework while engrossed in audio books and basically be in a whole other world.

To sit on the un-vacuumed floor and color in a color book with your daughter when she asks if you will play with her.

To already start planning Halloween decor and costumes. 

To extra pamper your dogs as an apology for the new puppy. 

 To have pretty much only taken photos of the new puppy for the past week....

She now has one ear that sticks up! It's hilarious.

To take a blogging break just because you need one.

To want to come back to blogging and then drawing a massive blank as to where to you write some fluff.  

It's totally okay.  


  1. Your third one made my heart melt a little :)
    That ear! Sooooooo cute!!!!!!
    It's all totally okay.

  2. oh my gosh, that ear. i die! so cute. and yes to neglecting housework and everything else to read haha.
