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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Confessions: First of June

So apparently it is June did that happen? 

Time to console myself with some Confessions.....

I confess that I have been working on my bullet journal and my goals for June with a passion since May was a bit of a wash out....there was just too much going on in May to worry about the small stuff but now I'm so ready to get back to journaling! 
happy smiling the rock dwayne johnson

I confess that I am a mixed bag of emotions about this weekend. Kyra is going to be 3! I am so excited for her party but at the same is she already 3? How has it been 3 years since I had her? She's a whole little person now and no longer my little baby....

I confess that when my mom offered to host the party at her house I nearly jumped for joy. SO MUCH STRESS GONE. Her house is basically as clean as Martha Stewart's while mine...well it is just going to make my week so much better now that I know I won't spend every waking minute scrubbing and picking up in what is basically a futile effort with a nearly 3 year old. 

I confess I geeked out a little bit when Kyra asked to watch Harry Potter yesterday. Out of all her movies to pick she wanted to watch Harry Potter! And she sat through and watched the whole movie! 

I confess it is super cute when she calls Dumbledore "Santa". I mean sure why not? 

 Also cute...she keeps telling me that she gave Draco a fist bump every time he comes on screen. 

Happy Humpday Everyone! Don't forget to linkup!
More Coffee Less Talky
#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

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