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Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekend Recap: Mother's Day 2016

Friday: Robert got home from work and we headed out to do a quick shop. He had to drop off a fuel card for some of his employees so we ended up going up north which we almost never do so it was a bit of an adventure. Mostly we were just trying to get out and about. 

This little nugget was being adorable as usual. 

I stopped by Ulta and picked up a mini polish set by OPI. It was the New Orleans set and I decided to get this one because I really wanted the Show Us Your Tips color and the Take a right on Bourbon and it just was more cost effective to buy the mini set. I am really glad I did because Show Us Your Tips ended up being a lot more sheer than I thought and while it works really well over another color it isn't exactly what I was hoping for, so yeah, glad I got the mini and saved some dollars. 

Saturday: Robert's Mom, Stepdad, Brother, and his girlfriend all came over to celebrate Mother's Day at our place. Robert made dinner and I made dessert (and cleaned like a madwoman). It was a really nice visit and Kyra was in a great mood so everyone was just enjoying being together. Also the food was awesome Robert did an amazing job. Robert and Kyra also got me flowers and they are SO PRETTY. 

Sunday: Robert said I could sleep in but that wasn't happening. He also offered to make breakfast but we were eating at noon at my parents' house so I passed. I wanted to save room since I knew that a yummy meal was going to be happening anyhow! 

The food was of course delicious and I ate entirely too much of it and then the rest of the afternoon was spent just enjoying one another and being super chill and relaxed. 

My parents also got me some Mother's day gifts and they were just wonderful! 
Adorable flower pot with Kyra's hand prints! SO Sweet!  An Awesome owl mug. My favorite candy. A new makeup mirror!

After hanging out it was time to go home and watch Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful and then it was bedtime! All in all it was a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I have two of the OPI New Orleans line polishes. I like them! I forget the names, humiditea and a purple.
