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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Confessions 4/27

I confess that I actually missed the past two days because Kyra and I went with Robert on his business trip to Omaha and spent Monday at the Omaha zoo. Yes I knew we were going on Friday and all weekend....and no I didn't plan any blog posts while I was gone. #badblogger #badplanning

I confess that because I didn't even check into blogland until last night I have approximately eleventy billion blogs to read. 

I confess that the trip to Omaha was amazing and I honestly cannot wait to do a recap, however I have only just now gotten around to going through all the photos so it's going to be a bit! 

I confess that I over-packed and over planned for the trip but I am still glad that I did it because it is better to have something and not need it am I right? 

I confess that I am really excited that this weekend is International Tabletop Day! I am ready for some nerdy gaming fun and our friend Matt is coming in as well so it is going to be a great weekend! 

Happy Humpday Everyone! Be sure to join the linkup! 

More Coffee Less Talky
#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren


  1. I always over pack for trips. Always! My motto is better safe than sorry. Hahaha

  2. i'm a jedi at packing; i can fit both my and kayla's stuff for a week in a single carry on :)

  3. I over pack like nobodies business. I'm getting better, but still those shoes might not go with that outfit. Is the outfit comfy enough? better bring a back up.

  4. This is the time of year to over-pack. Will it be warm? Will it rain? Will it be cool? You gotta be prepared :)
