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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What I Read: January Edtion

It's time for the absolute best linkup ever. 

I have been looking forward to this one for a while now since I missed the last one. Although I didn't get a lot of reading done this past month to be honest. It's been hard to read since I can't seem to stay settled for very long, but I am working on it. I really am. However the two books I did read I enjoyed and I wanted to share them with you all today. 

So here we go: 

You by Caroline Kepnes
This book was SO CREEPY. I mean it was just seriously disturbing and yet I could not put it down! I finished it in less than 24 hours because I was hooked. I had to know what was going to happen next even though I was thoroughly disturbed. Honestly I cannot wait to pick up the sequel because it was just that good. I mean I really loved it even when it was terrifying and at times grossing me out. If you are into books that will make you want to look over your shoulder and wonder just what sort of people there really are in this world...well this one is for you.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
I picked this one for the Book Challenge that Erin is hosting and I have to say I was not disappointed. I have read Lisa See before and liked her and this book was no exception. I have a fascination with all Chinese traditions. Foot binding, hierarchy, the expectations of the women and men and how the households and marriages were all fascinates me. This book touches not only on those topics but also focuses on the bond between the women that lived through these things. I loved seeing the different bonds the women developed...the good and the bad.  The story was both wonderful and at the same time heartbreaking....but that is the way that life is. A great read. 

Short and sweet this past month but hopefully this month I will be able to get more reading done! 

Until then be sure to check out the linkup and see what everyone's been reading!

Life According to Steph


  1. good to hear you liked you! i totally agree, it was messed up but i couldn't put it down. i have the second one on my kindle hoping to get to it soon!

  2. I only read 2 books for this link-up too, sometimes it's just a slow month :)

    MUST get my hand on YOU, every month someone is talking about this book!

  3. I felt the same about You. Like what is wrong with me I love Joe and would be friends with him. LOL

  4. I just read You this month too! I agree with you, I was completely disturbed the entire read. Joe was funny but I still couldn't bring myself to like him because he was so sick. Overall, it wasn't really my thing, but I read it quickly just like you and i'll probably read the sequel as well.

  5. You was one of my favorite books of last year. I love Joe and Hidden Bodies is a wonderful continuation of his crazy, psychopathic tendencies.

  6. I loved, loved, loved YOU! Creepy and terribly addictive! So glad to hear you like it, too! I am anxiously awaiting Hidden Bodies on the 23rd.

  7. I am waiting for the sequel to You to come in from the library. I really enjoyed Snow Flower as well!

  8. I'be been dying to read You! I've heard such great things about it, and I really want to read it soon, even if it is super creepy!

  9. I went to goodreads to add Snow's already on my tbr list. I probably added it when you picked it for the challenge, but now that you gave it a good review, I want to read it even more!

  10. Adding You to my to-reads list. It seems like everyone loved it!

  11. I loved You as well! I think one of the best things about it was that you really felt like you were inside Joe's head and, in some really weird and twisted way, you grow to kind of like him. He's obviously a psychotic, awful person and yet I found myself liking him as a character. (Does this say something bad about me? I hope not. Haha.)

    I'm on the waiting list at the library for Hidden Bodies. Hopefully it will come my way soon!

  12. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan sounds really interesting! Thanks for the recommendation!!

  13. I cant do creepy books but the second one sounds great!!

  14. I loved Snow Flower. I, like you, am totally intrigued by the Chinese culture. Have you read The Bonesetter's Daughter? I'm sure you've probably read Memoirs of a Geisha then? I also highly recommend The Good Earth by Pearl Buck.
