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Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Recap 2/15

Friday: Robert came home from Vegas! There was a little confusion on landing times as the time zone differences seem to really mess with Robert, but we did managed to get it worked out and picked him up on time. Once again I was grateful that our airport is super easy to navigate. They are planning on changing it and that is slightly depressing as it is SO SIMPLE and easy to get right back on the highway. 
After we got home and looked at some of his pictures from the trip (it was a business trip so there weren't a whole lot) we all basically just passed out for the night. None of us had slept well while he was away and we were all exhausted. 

Saturday: We decided to go out for a bit and go visit the Tabletop store at their new location. It is a really nice new place but they were pretty picked over so all we picked up was an expansion pack for one of Robert's games. Kyra was happy to be there again as she loves the in house cat that prowls around and also has a strange fascination with a Medusa type monster picture they have hung up there. 
After the game store it was off to Joann's where I picked up some new pens for my Bullet Journal. I will be doing a whole post on my journal and the spreads that I have been working on this month. I am totally hooked on this system. 

Then it we decided to get something to eat and after waiting approximately FOREVER we finally did get to eat. It was delicious though so all is forgiven in the end. 

We decided after dinner it was time to go home and thought it would be fun to rent some movies. Well that was just a major debacle. I was trying to use the Redbox app on my phone with 3% battery and somehow managed to not only order movies at different boxes but in different towns. #Fail Well we had to go and them because there is no cancellation option and we were going to be charged either way.

Sunday: Valentine's Day. Robert and I didn't do anything big because well...just not necessary. We did exchange cards and we had some candy but really we were more content to give Kyra cards and candy and let her feel all the loves! We did got out to Sam's Club for some supplies but then it was back home to have a late lunch and then catch up on all the Hulu shows from last week. I was a nice wife and didn't watch our shows without him. Then it was bath time/bedtime routine for Kyra followed by writing/blogging time for me. Super simple. 

There you have it, our weekend. 

How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. I had a #fail with using the pizzahut app on an order this weekend. Sometimes technology is so helpful; other times it is so frustrating!
