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Monday, January 11, 2016

Some Monday Motivations

Good Morning Everyone, 

Normally I would be posting my weekend recap today but my weekend consisted of binge watching Big Bang Theory followed by an epic Lord of the Rings Marathon. It was only 9 degrees yesterday so we weren't leaving the house. Needless to say there isn't much to talk about! 

So instead I thought I would share some motivational quotes for this Monday Morning especially since I'm feeling them now that I have finally shaken my cold and am ready to get caught up on all the things that fell behind while I was sick!

Let's get Motivated. 

Make one step in the direction of your bliss:

The Hobbit quote. Inspiring. The next book on my list after I finish North & South.:

“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” ~ Franz Kafka ~:

Have a great Monday Everyone!


  1. our weather was nuts this weekend...started out amazing (warm but a bit rainy), then turned into like, torrential rain, then snow, then freezing rain, then crazy windy and winter just gave us a big F*ck you! and it's cold AF now!! :(

  2. You're totally right--we don't have to accomplish everything all at once! I had initially planned on finishing all my chores yesterday, but instead I moved some to other days this week so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed!

    Lauren :)

  3. These are awesome! Mostly I need these to get through today and tomorrow because Friday, I'm off and I'm just ready to sleep in!
